Nov. 1, 2018, 5 a.m. UTC
June 1, 2019, 6 a.m. UTC
The format of submission is a single .zip-file that should include 290 super-resolution images, one for each data member in the test-set.
Each submitted image must be in .png-format, saved in 16bit grayscale in a 384x384 pixel shape. The file should be named "imgsetxxxx.png" where xxxx corresponds to the id of the test-set (case sensitive).
The validation step performs the following checks in that order:
If one of the checks fails, you will be notified with a corresponding error message. If your submission is valid, it will be evaluated and be shown on the public leader-board as soon as its score) has been computed (might take a minute).
You can download the following python script which will generate an example submission for you.
To run the script you need
Assuming that all data is available at a local folder data
, run the script with:
python data submission
If everything works out, it will create a folder submission
, containing some images and a .zip-file which you can use to test the system.
The algorithm in this script takes all low resolution images that have the maximum amount of clear pixels, computes a bicubic upscaling by a factor of 3 and averages their pixel intensities. The Scoring of these images (in terms of their cPSNR) constitutes our baseline of value 1 for ranking submissions. Thus, in order to improve upon bicubic upscaling, a submission needs to receive a score lower than 1.